Tentative Dates Set for Summer Contests

Pending approval of the use of the facilities and the dates from the City Parks Department we have set the following tentative dates for 2015 summer contests. We will keep posting these here, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

Major Contests:

The major contests will be large scale all-day events with multiple age groups, competitions and features. These contests will also include major prizes.

  • Memorial Day Madness: All-Ages, May 23rd or May 25th, 9AM to 9PM
  • July 4th Blowout: All-Ages, July 4th, 9AM to 9PM, Fireworks to follow
  • Grind For Life: September 12th, All Day

Summer Night Jam Series:

Throughout the summer on every other Tuesday night we are hoping to run a “jam” series on a variety of terrain, features, disciplines. The jam series will record points for each “jam” and a contest winner each time, a monthly points winner plus an end of the year points winner. Prizes for each “jam session” will be gift cards, t-shirts, etc. with the monthly and end of the year points winners receiving some major prize swag.

Summer Jam Sessions will begin on June 2nd at 6PM 

Grind for Life Coming to Knoxville

Knox Extreme Sports is committed to bringing the Grind for Life series to KSP in 2015. Pending approval on the facilities use and the dates from the City of Knoxville Parks Department we have tentatively set September the 12th as the date for this event.

GFL is a huge event, attracting 2 – 4K spectators and hundreds of participants. GFL is a non-profit event where the dollars go to help those suffering from cancer.

Knoxville is the only destination in Tennessee, actually we are the only destination outside of the state of Florida, currently slated for GFL.  Thanks to Ryan and the guys at Boardr for hosting us in November to talk about the idea, and for giving us the opportunity to bring this event to Tennessee.

Bookmark the boardr events page to sign up when the event is posted. Take a look at some of the videos from the past events to get a feel for what we are in for this coming fall.

Learn about the story from GFL founder Mike Rogers

Welcome Back Beaver, and Welcome the City of Knoxville

On October 20th of last year we welcomed back our friend and local pro skateboarder Beaver Fleming. Jay Cabler made some footage of the evening. This was also the night we invited the city out and explained our vision for KESP. We were fortunate to have Mayor Rogero, Joe Walsh (City Parks Director) and Christi Branscom (Deputy Mayor/COO) out to see what we have and hear our vision. Thanks to everyone for showing them what a fantastic group of athletes and people we have in the action sports community in Knoxville.

October Skate Jam Competition

Back in October we held our first competition at KESP. It was an all ages event, we had roughly 65 people enter in skate and BMX events and over 120 people attend. We took a ton of pictures and posted them all over the place, but a special thanks to your friend Bryan Allen from Bryan Allen Photography and PopFizz for taking tons of professional pictures. Big thanks to Jay Cabler too for filming and creating a great video from the night.

Here are some links to follow:

